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Joint Health Importance for Better Mobility and Flexibility

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As we age, it is very important that we pay additional attention to our joint health just as we do for heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs. Joint health importance should be part of our daily regiment as our bones are literally the foundation of your body. Although aging does tend to cause a decrease in bone mass, studies have shown that there are steps we can take to slow this process. For instance, seniors that consume enough calcium and vitamin D (which is essential for proper absorption of the calcium), eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly, have a distinct advantage over those who don’t.  

Our joints are more than just bones. They include the soft tissues around them, such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Cartilage is the hard slippery flexible tissue that covers the ends of your bones at a joint. Tendons are tough, flexible bands that connect your muscles to your bones so you can move your joints. Ligaments connect the bones of the joint to each other to keep them stable when you move.

Our joint health effects more than just bones. It includes the soft tissues around the joints such as tendons, ligaments, and cartilage.

The health of our joints can experience issues ranging from joint disorders, acute trauma, and overuse injuries. Joint issues from sudden injuries include:

Sprains and strains: Sprains are stretched or torn ligaments. Acute strains are stretched or torn muscles or tendons that happen from a sudden injury or movement, such as lifting a heavy object.

Dislocated joints: A joint is dislocated when the bones are pushed or pulled out of position. A joint dislocation is a medical emergency.

Joint overuse injuries include:

Bursitis: The bursa is a small fluid-filled sac. It works as a pad between the bones of a joint and the moving parts around it, such as muscles, tendons and skin. With bursitis, the bursa becomes irritated and swollen with extra fluid. Overuse is the most common cause, but injuries, infections and other conditions, such as arthritis, can cause bursitis.

Tendinitis: This condition happens when you overuse a tendon. It swells and makes the joint painful to move.

Chronic strain: A strain becomes chronic when your muscles or tendons stretch or tear slowly over time from repeating the same movements.

Joint health importance and improvement should be part of our daily regiment

Ways to improve bone and joint health include a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Leafy greens are especially rich in calcium and other minerals that can help both your joints and bones. If you exercise, be sure to choose low impact exercises that do not place too much strain on your joints. Many people choose walking, cycling or swimming to stay in shape. Yoga and gentle stretching can help keep your joints more flexible, too. Lifting small weights can also improve your bone density.

Exercise also improves mood, reduces stress and boosts your immune system. The best time to fight osteoporosis is before it begins. Bone and joint health are a part of your overall wellness. You should also talk to your doctor, as certain medications (even over the counter ones), can leech calcium from your bones.

If you or your loved ones are experiencing issues with joints or any of the soft tissues that support the joint, contact us for diagnosis, treatment, and future prevention.

3998 Fair Ridge Dr., Suite 125
Fairfax, VA 22030


Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm