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Five Main Causes of Shoulder Pain and Ways to Prevent the Pain

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shoulder pain labrum tear

The five main causes of shoulder pain can occur to any one of us performing our daily tasks and does not require strenuous activity. The most common causes of severe shoulder pain in adults are not usually caused by an injury, fall or trauma. Falls and trauma can occur to the shoulder region and cause severe pain. But the majority of people with severe shoulder pain simply experience it performing everyday functions such as lifting an heavy object, playing with children, or sleeping in a certain position.

The shoulder pain and issues can limit movement and flexibility, prevent restful sleep, and cause you to compensate and overuse other areas such as your back. The shoulder pain not only causes pain in the shoulder but can present as pain in surrounding areas. Many patient experience symptoms in their neck, arm, elbow, and upper back and do not associate this paid with their shoulder. It is very important to see a doctor for a through evaluation for a correct diagnosis of the issue. The true cause of the pain is sometimes hidden deep in the nerves, tendons, ligaments, bone, or the bursa. Majority of the shoulder issues experienced by the patients can be classified in the areas listed below.

The shoulder pain can be hidden deep in the nerves, tendons, ligaments, bone, or other connective tissues. Our doctors thoroughly evaluate the issue to provide treatment and rehab options.

The health of our joints can experience issues ranging from joint disorders, acute trauma, and overuse injuries. Joint issues from sudden injuries include:

Parsonage Turner Syndrome – Parsonage Turner syndrome (brachial neuritis) is a neurological disorder characterized by sudden, excruciating pain in your shoulder, followed by severe weakness. The weakness is caused by damage to your nerves, but what causes that is not completely understood. It may take months to recover.

Frozen Shoulder – Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint. Signs and symptoms typically begin gradually, worsen over time and then resolve, usually within one to three years.

Calcific Tendonitis – Calcific tendonitis refers to a build-up of calcium in the rotator cuff (calcific deposit). When calcium builds up in the tendon, it can cause a build up of pressure in the tendon, as well causing a chemical irritation. This leads to pain. The pain can be extremely intense.

Rotator cuff tears – A tear in the tissues connecting muscle to bone (tendons) around the shoulder joint. A rotator cuff tear often occurs in people who repeatedly perform the same shoulder motions. Symptoms include shoulder pain and weakness. Treatment includes rest, medication, physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, and possibly surgery.

Rotator Cuff Tendinosis and bursitis – Symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis include pain and swelling in the shoulder area, limited motion or weakness of the arm. Rotator cuff tendinitis usually occurs over time after repeated stress on the rotator cuff. If left untreated, rotator cuff tendinitis can worsen and lead to a partially or completely torn tendon.

The cause of your shoulder pain has a lot to do age, activity, repetitive motions, and other everyday factors. It is imperative that patients regularly exercise, eat a healthy diet and strenghten the muscles around the shoulder to prevent sudden injuries to the shoulder. If you or your family member is experiencing pain with the shoulder or the surrounding area, please give our office a call. Our doctors will thoroughly evaluate to find the cause of the issue and provide treatment and rehab options.

Joint health importance and improvement should be part of our daily regiment

Ways to improve bone and joint health include a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Leafy greens are especially rich in calcium and other minerals that can help both your joints and bones. If you exercise, be sure to choose low impact exercises that do not place too much strain on your joints. Many people choose walking, cycling or swimming to stay in shape. Yoga and gentle stretching can help keep your joints more flexible, too. Lifting small weights can also improve your bone density.

Exercise also improves mood, reduces stress and boosts your immune system. The best time to fight osteoporosis is before it begins. Bone and joint health are a part of your overall wellness. You should also talk to your doctor, as certain medications (even over the counter ones), can leech calcium from your bones.

If you or your loved ones are experiencing issues with the shoulder or other joints or any of the soft tissues that support the joint, contact us for diagnosis, treatment, and future prevention.

3998 Fair Ridge Dr., Suite 125
Fairfax, VA 22030


Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm